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One common reason people struggle with health is their lack of boundaries. That’s why a majority of our coaching includes empowering people to PUT THEMSELVES FIRST. Once we teach you the science of nutrition, it’s meaningless if you don’t feel equipped to apply it in challenging situations. Who cares about macros if you can’t stand up for yourself when someone is pressuring you to eat or drink something you absolutely do not want. How many times have you consumed something just to be “polite”? How many times have you ordered something from a menu that you didn’t want in an effort to appease others? How many times have you had seconds and thirds to “be a good guest”? How many times have you pushed through hours of back-to-back meetings without taking a break to FEED your body? How many times have you prioritized work over your own physiological needs? How many times have you said yes to your boss and said no to yourself? When will you draw the line? What boundaries have you set to protect your health and well-being? All it takes is ONE courageous person in their microcosm of a community ecosystem to stand up for themselves, prioritize health and self-care, and watch others be inspired to follow suit. That’s why it’s not uncommon for our members to not only change their bodies after our 12-week program, but also change jobs, relationships, and anything else that doesn’t align with their new identity… one that has boundaries and prioritizes self-care. One that nourishes themselves frequently with nutritious food. (Instead of skipping multiple meals and ignoring hunger signals, increasing stress and cortisol) One that makes time for movement like their life depends on it (because it does). One that manages stress and aims for a joyful, abundant life because LIVING IN FEAR IS NOT LIVING AT ALL. One that surrounds themselves with a supportive community that inspires them to continue reaching to embody the highest version of themselves. Ready to be the change? Apply now for our transformational 12-week program, Awaken Your Nutrition👇 callwithshannon.com
How many times have you consumed something just be polite?How many times have you consumed something just be polite?How many times have you consumed something just be polite?How many times have you consumed something just be polite?How many times have you consumed something just be polite?How many times have you consumed something just be polite?How many times have you consumed something just be polite?How many times have you consumed something just be polite?How many times have you consumed something just be polite?How many times have you consumed something just be polite?How many times have you consumed something just be polite?How many times have you consumed something just be polite?How many times have you consumed something just be polite?How many times have you consumed something just be polite?
How many times have you consumed something just be polite?