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Here are 12 Bizarre Animal Mating Rituals 1. The male cichlid is the master of getting what he wants from life. Swimming around without a care in the world. His life couldn't be easier.* The female, however, has a different role to play; she will lay her eggs and then carry them round in her mouth. The males will sense this and purposely swim above females with spots designed to emulate their eggs. I think you can see where this is going. The female then tries to grab the eggs and before she knows it her mouth is full of fertilised eggs 2. Hippo's are disgusting and fat an gross. Their way of mating is even worse. When the male senses a females readiness to mate, he starts to propel dung everywhere he can. Apparently, this is irresistable to female hippo's and the further he can fling his faeces the better. We must warn you against trying this yourself though* 3. Hyena's are foten labelled scavengers and an animal that is the scourge of the pride lands, when in fact they're more accomplished hunters than most big cats. The set up of the pack is similar to most animals, where an alpha male and female reproduce, the thing with the female hyena is she has reproductive organs to rival the males That's right, this is a female in heat.* The reason is down to her genes, with the female passing on seriously high amounts of hormones that make the females extremely aggressive and those hormones need to manifest themselves somehow*. Another downside is this is where the newborn pups emerge from too 4. The anglerfish is possibly how many women feel about men anyway, it does nothing its whole life except try to eat and reproduce. The problem is it can only do these things with the help of a female. The male, however, has the easiest time of it all* You see, once a male anglerfish matures its whole digestive system stops working. So it hunts down a female, bites her, and attaches on to her forever. He is a bug that can't be swatted*. When she becomes fertile he releases his sperm and the deed is done. 5. How do you overcome the massive problem of thousands of needles when it comes to bumping uglies? Well, porcupines have come up with a solution, they pee on each other. That is a 6 foot stream of whizz hitting their ladies in the face and getting them ready for some sweet lovin 6. Flatworms are like snails, they are hermaphrodites and this is where things get difficult, in order to be the man in the mating ritual the worms will dual one another*...with their penises. The loser is the first to be penetrated and they become the woman, kind of like a night in prison* 7. The earwig mating ritual doesn't need much explaining; the earwig has 2 penises. They're so delicate an appendage that one is spare incase the first one used breaks. Sounds handy to us. 8. The bonobo monkey is your everyday chimp; eats fruit, swings from trees, throws its own poop and says hello to others with sex. Wait...what?* That's right, bonobo sex is the equivalent of a human saying hi* or even to celebrate food being found. They are also the only species to have face to face intercourse other than humans 9. Banana slugs are aptly named because of their bright yellow glow and the size of their penises are also the size of an average banana, which is 8 inches. With this in mind a couple of problems arise, the first is that they need to find a mate the same size as that and the second is the mate could chew it off* The chewing will occur if the mate is bigger than the package of the male so in the the banana slug world size does matter if you enjoyed reading these bizarre animal mating rituals then watch the full video for more animal mating Check out other channels in our network - BABOON TV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrT-gj4C3qkCfsTgs7-rp9w ROCK BEARD: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDnhRBA3A5x1dArhcvtDWAw
12 Bizarre Animal Mating Rituals