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Take your booty from 2D to 3D with these butt lifting exercises. http://athleanx.com/x/geta3dbutt Our modern lifestyles mean that we spend much of our time sitting...bad news for your booty. The good news is that you can change the shape of your glutes and get a sexy, round bubble butt! In this video we'll give you two glute stretches and two booty exercises that will help you sculpt that round butt in no time. To lift your butt, it is necessary to stretch out the hip flexors which tend to get very contracted with our sedentary jobs and lives. These two great stretches will help you get that stretch so that with strength work, your booty will be able to pop! Next it's time to learn the right butt exercises to get a natural butt lift. You may have heard of Brazilian butt lifts, but no drastic measures are necessary! Instead try these two exercises, the glute bridge and the Bulgarian lunge. This glute workout is appropriate for beginners and advanced alike, since we've got modifications herefor both! Say goodbye to your 2D flat butt and get a round bubble butt instead by stretching and strengthening your hips, thighs, legs and glutes the right way! If you're interested in all the best tips and exercises to strengthen and tone every muscle group in your body, head over to www.athleanxxforwomen.com to get your Athlean-XX for Women fitness and nutrition program today. Get a sexy chest lift, not to mention amazing abs, back, shoulders, arms and legs in just 90 days! In the meantime, for other videos on healthy nutrition for women, workouts for women and supplements for women be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at http://youtube.com/user/womensworkouts. For the men's Athlean-X program, check us out at: http://www.youtube.com/user/JDCav24 Finally...why not be everywhere we are? Connect with us in the following places LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ============================= http://facebook.com/athleanxxforwomen FOLLOW US ON TWITTER =========================== http://twitter.com/workoutforwomen FOLLOW US ON PINTEREST ============================= http://www.pinterest.com/workoutforwomen/
Best Butt Lifting Workout Tips Exercises for a 3D Butt Lift!!Best Butt Lifting Workout Tips Exercises for a 3D Butt Lift!!Best Butt Lifting Workout Tips Exercises for a 3D Butt Lift!!Best Butt Lifting Workout Tips Exercises for a 3D Butt Lift!!
Best Butt Lifting Workout Tips Exercises for a 3D Butt Lift!!