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Overcoming an addiction is challenging. But a man in Massachusetts claims he can manipulate energy with his hands to stop pain and drug, alcohol, smoking or vaping addiction on the spot. Nicknamed “the Mad Russian,” Yefim Shubentsov claims to have treated 167,000 people since the 1980s with his unorthodox addiction treatment techniques, which are not backed by any established science and he says is very different from hypnosis. We went to meet Shubentsov and his “patients,” and asked experts for their take on the Mad Russian. SUBSCRIBE: http://nbcnews.to/2rAQzwx FOLLOW NBC LEFT FIELD: Facebook: http://nbcnews.to/2rACLSM Instagram: http://nbcnews.to/2rAsQwp Twitter: http://nbcnews.to/2rAsWUN CALL THE FIELD PHONE: ☎️ (315) LF-FIELD VISIT OUR SITE: http://nbcleftfield.com Created by Jordan C Terrell __ ABOUT NBC LEFT FIELD: NBC Left Field is a new internationally-minded video troupe that makes short, creative documentaries and features specially designed for social media and set-top boxes. Our small team of cinematographers, journalists, animators and social media gurus aims to unearth stories and breathe creative life into current headlines. While pushing boundaries at home and abroad, NBC Left Field will also be serving as an experimental hub for NBC News style, treatment and audience engagement.
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